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I Would Totally Buy This…

1 Jul

If I was a piece of Ikea furniture, I would be this…

what’s your Ikea name?

Lesson Learned…

13 Jun

When trying to clean out your pantry, make sure that the clip is securely on the rice bag before you pull it out. I didn’t….

Ya, I Made That…

26 May

I knitted this baby blanket for one of Kelly’s baby shower gifts. It took me WAY too long, but I was sooo happy that I did it!

The Mac Project….

8 Apr

…Not the computer and not the make-up. I’m talkin Mac N Cheese people! So the other day while strolling the isles of Target I found out that Mac N Cheese had a new box on the shelves. Mac Explosion! WHAT?!?! I told my sister in-law Kelly about it right away. We both share an obsession with the Mac. We discussed the posiblilty that this could be the best Mac ever….

So we decided to do a side by side comparison of the regular spiral vs. the EXPLOSION spiral!

What we first noticed among other things was that the Mac Explosion contained multiple types of cheeses…

Also the noodle was indeed bigger than the original…

The Explosion cheese powder was lighter in color but had a way stronger smell than the original..

However, once everything was combined the colors where the same. The Explosion (right) looked soo good…

The end results are: Original was BETTER!

Ya, the Explosion fell way short on the flavor end. It was soo boring, and tasteLESS. So, to wrap it up…stay true to the regular Mac N Cheese people!! My work here is done.

Beer Bread….

17 Mar

Well, I might as well do something for St. Patty’s Day right? I didn’t wear green, but I did make bread! I found the recipe a couple weeks ago on this website. Luckily Rob bought some beer and had a couple left over. So let’s get started!

Here it is….Beer Bread…

It tasted alright, nice and soft but it had a kick to it. Can’t wait to see what Rob thinks…

Update: When Rob got home I had to MAKE him try it. First, he thought it wasn’t cooked all the way because of the color (it was). Then when he took a bite he started making faces and wanted to spit it out. It reminded me of a five year old who doesn’t want to eat their peas! So…success, yes?

Ya, I Made That…

16 Mar

So, i have been progressing with my knitting. The first project i finished was a scarf for my sister in-law, Cristy…..

I was really happy with the way it came out, and it was super easy too!

Gotta Love It!

7 Feb

So the other day i got a little gift in the mail! i was soo excited opening up the package and seeing what my cuz MADE for me! check it out…

Its a totally cute make-up bag! Bella thought it needed a model…

Ok, im ready to travel!

Thanks Shal!!

Bella’s New Friend…

14 Jan

She’s not real but she’s a cutie! Carolee got her for my birthday, and she is the keeper of coins….

On another note…We got a new desk!! It was gifted to us by Janet and Keith…here’s the before…

This, as you can see, had no storage and everything was just spread all over the place…

Check back soon for the after…

Im Knitting….

3 Dec

Yup, you read that right, I’m a knitter. Well I guess you could say, knitter in training. I learned while on Thanksgiving from the wonderful Elin. She had been teaching Shal all week, I only got two days with her, but I learned soo much! I wished that I had more time. Shal made a suwheet beanie for Amaiah and I wanted to poke her with my needles for doing so well….

When I got home from the beach I went out and bought some needles and yarn and was ready to take on anything. I soon found out that I sucked. As I got further along on my project I noticed that it was getting wider and I couldn’t figure out why!

Several times I took it apart and started over again with the same result. What the heck?!? I really wanted to get this down so that I could knit something while on our upcoming road trip. Today I printed out a pattern for a simple scarf that hopefully I can do, I also plan on taking a class next month to figure this all out, wish me luck!!


1 Dec

When it’s time to sell my Kia this is sooo how im doing it!

Thanks for always giving me my morning laugh People Of Walmart!